Sioux Falls Vision Therapy
- Who Benefits?
- Learning-related
- Dyslexia
- Reading Problems
- Eye Tracking
- Binocular Vision
- Lazy Eye
- Convergence Insufficiency
- Double Vision
- Cross-eyed, Eye Turns
- Visual Rehab
- Special Needs
- Developmental Delays
- Brain Injured (TBI)
- Autism
- Stroke
- Stress-related
- Visual Stress with Reading and Computers
- Blurry Vision at Near
- Headaches
- Motion Sickness
- Sports Vision and Hand-Eye Coordination
For more information, go to
Vision Therapy
Some visual conditions cannot be treated adequately with just glasses, contact lenses and/or patching, and are best resolved through a program of Vision Therapy.What is Vision Therapy?
Vision Therapy is an individualized, supervised, treatment program designed to correct visual-motor and/or perceptual-cognitive deficiencies. Vision Therapy sessions include procedures designed to enhance the brain's ability to control:
- eye alignment,
- eye tracking and eye teaming,
- eye focusing abilities,
- eye movements, and/or
- visual processing.
Who Benefits from Vision Therapy?
Children and adults with visual challenges, such as:
Learning-related Vision Problems
Vision Therapy can help those individuals who lack the necessary visual skills for effective reading, writing, and learning (i.e., eye movement and focusing skills, convergence, eye-hand activity, visual memory skills, etc.).
To learn more about learning-related vision problems, visit any of these web pages on:
- 20-20 Eyesight and 20/20 Eye Screenings - Not Perfect for Learning and School!,
- All About Learning Related Vision Problems,
- Learning Related Vision Problems and Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD/ADHD), Dyslexia, and Learning Disabilities (LDs),
- Eyesight & Vision: Vision Therapy Helps Students with Reading Problems or Reading Below Grade Level, Handwriting, Homework, Spelling, and Math, etc.,
- Eyesight & Vision: Vision Therapy Helps Students Who've Been Labeled Attention Deficit (ADHD), Slow Learners, Lazy Students, Behavior Problems, Special Education, Gifted Learning Disabled, etc.,
- Vision Therapy as Treatment for Learning Disabilities.
Poor Binocular (2-eyed) Coordination
Vision Therapy helps individuals develop normal coordination and teamwork of the two eyes (binocular vision). When the two eyes fail to work together as an effective team, performance in many areas can suffer (reading, sports, depth perception, eye contact, etc.).
To learn more about binocular (two-eyed) vision, visit any of these web pages on:
- What is Binocular Vision?,
- What is Depth Perception and Stereo Vision?,
- Adults and Children Gain Binocular Vision and 3D Depth Perception,
- Adults and Children Improve Eye Tracking and Eye Teaming,
- The Eye Hop - Explore Your Binocular Vision,
- The Framing Game - A Binocular Vision Test,
- What is Seeing Double or Double Vision?
Convergence Insufficiency (common near vision disorder)
Recent scientific research -- funded by the National Eye Institute and conducted at Mayo Clinic -- has proven that in-office Vision Therapy is the best treatment for Convergence Insufficiency.
To learn all about Convergence Insufficiency, go to:
- What is Convergence Insufficiency Disorder?
- What is Intermittent Exotropia caused by Convergence Insufficiency?
Amblyopia (lazy eye), Diplopia (double vision), and Strabismus (cross-eyed, wandering eye, eye turns, etc.)
Vision Therapy programs offer much higher cure rates for turned eyes and/or lazy eye when compared to eye surgery, glasses, and/or patching, without therapy. The earlier the patient receives Vision Therapy the better, however, our office successfully treats patients well past 21 years of age.
Recent scientific research has disproven the long held belief that children with lazy eye, or amblyopia, can’t be helped after age 7.
To learn more about crossed eyes, eye turns, or lazy eye, visit any of these web pages on:
- About Eye Turns: Constant (Always) or Intermittent (Sometimes, Occasionally),
- Amblyopia, Lazy Eye, and Strabismus - Not All The Same!,
- Children's Vision: Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Strabismus (Crossed Eyes, Cross-eyed, Wall-eyed, Intermittent Exotropia, Hypertropia, Esotropia, etc.), Exophoria...,
- Eye Muscle Surgery: Treatment for Strabismus, Lazy Eye, Intermittent Exotropia, etc.,
- What is Amblyopia or Lazy Eye?,
- What is Convergence Insufficiency Disorder, Intermittent Exotropia, Exophoria?,
- What is Seeing Double or Double Vision?,
- Vision Therapy Eye Exercises as Treatment for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Strabismus (Crossed eyes), Convergence Insufficiency Disorder, etc..
Stress-related Visual Problems - Blurred Vision, Visual Stress from Reading and Computers, Eye Strain Headaches, and/or Vision-induced Stomachaches or Motion Sickness
21st century life demands more from our vision than ever before. Many children and adults constantly use their near vision at school, work and home. Environmental stresses on the visual system (including excessive computer use or close work) can induce blurred vision, eyestrain, headaches, etc. To learn about these visual problems and vision therapy, see:
- What is a Common Near Vision Problem and the Leading Cause of Eyestrain, Blurred Vision, Double Vision, and/or Headaches?,
- Told They Had 20/20, but Still Had Problems...,
- Eye Exercises for Blurred Vision, Blurry Eyesight (Reading and Computer Work),
- Dizziness, Motion Sickness, Eye Strain, Stomachaches, Double Vision...,
- Eye Exercises for Eye Strain, Eye Fatigue (Computer Work and Reading),
- Relief from Frequent or Chronic Headaches, Visual Stress, Eyestrain, and/or Stomachaches during or after Reading, School or Office Work.
Visual Rehabilitation for Special Needs - Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, Birth Injury, Brain Damage, Head Injury, Whiplash, Cerebral Palsy, MS, etc.
Vision can be compromised as a result of neurological disorders or trauma to the nervous system. Vision Therapy can effectively treat the visual consequences of brain trauma (including double vision).
To learn more about visual rehabilitation with vision therapy, see:
- Visual Rehabilitation following Brain Damage, Birth Injury, Head Injury, Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), etc.,
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Blurred Vision, Reading Problems, Double Vision, Eye Pain, Headaches with Reading, Visual Field Loss...,
- Brain Injury Rehabilitation - Success Stories with Vision Therapy.
Visual Rehabilitation for Special Needs - Developmental Delays, Visual Perceptual Visual-Motor Deficits, Attention Deficit Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders
To learn more about vision therapy as it relates to developmental delays or disorders, see:
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD): Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments,
- Autism Spectrum Disorders: Eye Examinations, Eyesight, Vision Therapy,
- Vision Therapy for Visual Perceptual Visual-Motor Deficits,
- Article: Diagnosis of Non-Verbal Learning Disorder (NLD), Hidden Disability.
Sports Vision Improvement
Athletic Edge Academy
Strong visual skills are critical to sports success. At the Athletic Edge Academy powered by Visions Therapy Center, vision is more than 20/20. It’s about training the eyes and the brain to work better together to refine visual skills.
As the first program of its kind in the region, our program is designed to scientifically improve the visual skills of athletes by enhancing the ability to see, process, decide, and react. By evaluating the key components of your visual system, our sports optometrist will determine visual areas that can be improved. Our vision coach then administers the Senaptec Sensory Profile which will rank your performance against others at the same level. Combining the results, we formulate your Athletic Visual Profile to determine your unique strengths and areas for improvement. We will design a training program specific to your performance challenges in the following areas:
- Dynamic Visual Acuity: The ability to keep moving objects clear
- Eye Tracking: The ability to keep your eye on the ball
- Eye Focusing: The ability to change focus from one object to another quickly and clearly
- Peripheral Awareness: The ability to see the whole field or court while looking at the ball
- Contrast Sensitivity: The ability to distinguish an object from the background
- Multiple object tracking: The ability to divide your attention between multiple moving things
- Depth Perception: The ability to accurately judge distance and speed of the ball and other players
- Eye-Hand or Eye-Body Coordination: The ability to use your eyes to effectively direct your hands/body
- Reaction Time: The ability to quickly process visual information and respond appropriately
Elite athletes train their visual skills to get their competitive edge. Let us help you get your game on and get the edge.
Vision Therapy can be the answer to many visual problems. Don't hesitate to contact our office with your questions.
To read definitions of Vision Therapy by outside sources, see What is Vision Therapy? and/or Vision Therapy? Self-help Eye Exercises?. To browse through hundreds of stories writtten by parents, teachers, adults and children, go to a national of catalog of Vision Therapy Success Stories.